

Timeline: Under Development

  • React
  • Next.js 13
  • MongoDB
  • NextAuth.js
  • TailwindCSS
  • Vercel
  • Server Actions

Project Description

"TurboTrack" is a cutting-edge productivity and organization application designed to empower users to take control of their daily lives. With a sleek and user-friendly interface, TurboTrack offers a comprehensive suite of widgets, including customizable to-do lists, dynamic countdown timers, Google Calendar integration, fitness tracking, and more. Users can effortlessly manage tasks, set goals, track fitness progress, and stay on top of their schedules, all within a single, intuitive platform. TurboTrack stands as an innovative productivity and organization application, employing Next.js as both the frontend and backend tool, ensuring exceptional performance and responsiveness. Our robust MongoDB database secures and manages your data while NextAuth.js, seamlessly integrated, provides a secure and customizable authentication experience, allowing for various login methods, including social logins like Google and Facebook.